domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

My favorite movie!

Well, I hope you are fine, today I will talk about my favorite movie, and this movie be my favorite since 2008!! so many years :D, and are Forrest Gump.
I remember the first time when I saw the movie, was on the TV in canal 13 with my mom, was very special because I fell in love inmediatly with forrest and his story, Forrest Gump is having plenty of world history , especially of the Cold War and this is interesting for me.
My favorite part of the movie is when Jenny's dead, because is a part very sensitive to me, I dont know but I watch this movie so many time, but I always cry in this scene.
The movies that I like are romantic, dramatic, and comedy movies, I dont like for nothing in the world the horror movies, Im very timorous.
The most recent movie that I saw was the minions in the cinema, I really like very much and I laught so much,
Well, now i will go to new york city and I hope visite the restaurant of Forrest Gump called ''Bubba Gump'' I'm so excited to go!

3 comentarios:

  1. I love Forrest gump movie! is very emotive. I believe that Jenny deserves the death because she has very bad with Forrest :(
    Talking about of the restaurant I saw in your facebook that you visited "Bubba Gump" I feel happy for you :3

  2. I loooooove this movie! It is one of the most beautiful films I've seen and I have to admit that most of the movie I hate Jenny :(

  3. run Forrest run!!! one of my best movies
