jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

Hi everyone, today I will talk about a person in my career that I admire.
Well he is Alvaro Ramirez Alujas, a Public Administrator at Universidad de Humanismo Cristiano, he is a teacher in my class ''Management Theory'', magister in Public Policy and Management of the University of Chile and doctorate in government and public administration at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, He is the founder , director and research coordinator of Public Administration Research Group on Government Administration and Public Policies ( GIGAPP ) Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset Research in Madrid, Spain.
Also, he writes book about the new public administration and this books are very interesting to study, I really like :D

He is a master of public administration, I admired so much because is very intelligent and he knows all the new knowledge about the managment, he is a innovative in the area. Also he travels around the worldpromoting ''Gobierno Abierto'' (Open world) a new paradigm in the public administration and great advance for our career, is very important its contribution for me and my expectation of future work.

I place I'd like to visit

Hi everyone, today I will talk about that I place I'd like to visit. well sincerely I will travel around the world all my life leave the work and studies, but this is impossible in this world,
A place that I always dream is Eiffel tower, I think is so georgeus and pretty, is perfect, I really want a picture there. Paris is my dream <3
Really I want to visit Europe in general, because have many world history and is very interesting to know this places that I have studied so long.

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

My favorite movie!

Well, I hope you are fine, today I will talk about my favorite movie, and this movie be my favorite since 2008!! so many years :D, and are Forrest Gump.
I remember the first time when I saw the movie, was on the TV in canal 13 with my mom, was very special because I fell in love inmediatly with forrest and his story, Forrest Gump is having plenty of world history , especially of the Cold War and this is interesting for me.
My favorite part of the movie is when Jenny's dead, because is a part very sensitive to me, I dont know but I watch this movie so many time, but I always cry in this scene.
The movies that I like are romantic, dramatic, and comedy movies, I dont like for nothing in the world the horror movies, Im very timorous.
The most recent movie that I saw was the minions in the cinema, I really like very much and I laught so much,
Well, now i will go to new york city and I hope visite the restaurant of Forrest Gump called ''Bubba Gump'' I'm so excited to go!