jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Expectations for a New Semester

Hi everyone! I hope are you fine.

Today I'm talk about my expectations for this semester.
Well I have so many goals in this year but in the semester I pretend approve all courses of my career, public administration and obv.

Also, I want learn basic french because I really like this idiom and think that its important knows differents languages, but obviusly I want to be master in english because today is the most important idiom, especially in my career.
Other goals in this semester is participate in MOEA (Models of organization of American States), my university all the years choose differents students with right skills and travel to the place where will perform, this years will be in the caribbean and this is my opportunity to go out to the other country because I never travel outside the Chile, and learn new experiences and know new people. I want to work to pay my needs.

Well this is everything for today

Good bye! 

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